Anglický jazyk

Multicultural society – British and American holidays

BRITISH HOLIDAYS Bonfire night or Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated in the evenign of 5 November. It is an honour to the 5 November 1605 when Catholic conspirators, including Guy Fawkes, attempted to destroy the United Kingdom’s Houses of Parliament, in London by putting gun-powder in the cellar of Houses of Parliament. This attempt failed due to a betray. […]

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Multicultural society – Slovak holidays

Slovak society Since 1989 Slovakia has become a country open to people from other countries. Apart from Slovaks, the territory is inhabited by over half a million Hungarians in the south of Slovakia, along with the Ruthenians in the east., then of course other minorities : Vietamese, Ukrainians, Czechs , Poles and there is one minority […]

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In comparison with the passive consuption of TV culture, reading is a highly active hobby. Reading is another source of knowledge and culture. A book answers a whole series of our questions. During our life we meet both fiction and non-fiction. When we read for pleasure, we usually pick up a book of fiction, such as […]

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Education – vocabulary

nursery school (créche)– jasle kindergarten – škôlka primary school – základná škola secondary school (AmE- high school) – stredná škola Grammar school (gymnázium) vocational and technical schools (odborné školy) agricultural (poľnohospodárska) nursing (zdravotná) electro-technical performing and fine art business academy (obchodná akadémia) commercial school (stredná ekonomická škola) hotel academy (hotelová škola) apprentice training centre (3-year secondary vocational schools)- […]

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Shops and services – vocabulary

baker‘s – pekárstvo bookshop – kníhkupectvo butcher’s – mäsiarstvo chemist’s (BrE)– lekáreň drugstore (AmE) – lekáreň and drogéria fishmonger‘s – obchod s rybami greengrocer‘s – zelovoc market – trh off – licence – obchod s vínom stationer’s – papierníctvo clothes shop – odevy delicatessen – lahôdky department store – obchodný dom furniture shop – nábytkárstvo grocer’s – obchodík s potravinami newsagent’s – trafika shoe shop – obuv reflect – odraziť sa, odzrkaldovať sa sale – výpredaj exchange – […]

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Shops and services

Modern society is called ‚consumer society‘ = is a society in which material goods are very important. People seem to have not only more money to spend but also less time to spend it. This is refelcted in people’s habits and the things they buy. In the past, people would shop more often for staple food […]

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Housing and dwelling – vocabulary

dwelling – obydlie bungalow – bungalov detached house – dom stojaci osamote semi-detached house– dva domy so spoločnou stenou terraced house – terasovité domy (obe steny majú spoločné) cottage – chata, chalupa flat – byt block of flats – panelák skyscraper – mrakodrap rented house/flat – prenajatý dom / byt housing estate – sídlisko furnishings – domové vybavenie furniture – nábytok estate agency – realitná kancelária thatched roof – […]

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Housing and dwelling

living in a flat advantages local council takes care of maintenance less household cheaper than houses usually not far from the city centre disadvantages not enough space not garden for children, growing plants noisy neighbours living in a house advantages a lot of space garden you can grow vegetable (healthy food) you can raise animals […]

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Health care – vocabulary

avoid – vyhýbať sa, vyvarovať sa be a fitness fanatic couch potato – “domased” cut down on (e.g.sweets) – zredukovať konzumáciu (napr. sladkostí) follow a sensible diet – držať rozumnú diétu give up – vzdať sa (čoho) loose weight – schudnúť fatty food, fast food, junk food, takeaways put on weight – pribrať take up (sport / exercise) – začať (športovať/cvičiť) work out – […]

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Health care

BE HEALTHY Medicine = any science or practice concered with sickness and health. A doctor – a person who has been trained in medical science. In Britain GP (General Practitioner) = local doctor Physician = a doctor specializing in medical area other than surgery TYPES OF MEDICINE classical (conventional) – treatment with painkillers, drugs (but side effect – […]

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